It's Hildr time! Marller leads the gang to a pretty exotic (in terms of architecture) location where Hildr's stolen memories appear to be hanging out. Marller continues to begrudge the gang her appreciation... she says that she's just using Keiichi and co. to help out her boss. Got that?
Urd: Fine, fine. Shut up already.
Skuld: Um, is it okay for us to trust Marller?
Marller: Wha? Are you suspicious of me?
Skuld: Of course! Duh!
Belldandy: I believe Marller. I really think that she's a trustworthy comrade. Right, Marller?
Marller: Er... rather than trusting me so implicitly, I think I'd like it better if you were a little suspicious of me...
Keiichi notes that practically no one -- not even demons -- is proof against Belldandy's sincere smile. On that note, we start the search for Hildr's displaced memories -- that mini-demon is the only one who can disable the magic circle fueling all this chaos, says Marller. That and life is going to be horrible for Marller if she lets anything bad happen to the earthly incarnation of Hildr... Demon General Hildr (you know, the "real thing" who's, oh, a thousand times more powerful than chibi-Hildr) would not be amused.
Konton no Shima - Stage III:
Run down the stairs in front of you and you'll see a strange-looking blob of chaos in a clearing beyond the blue swap pod. Approach the blob and it will morph into a table bearing a tea set as well as trigger a cutscene. The cutscene tells you that blobs like this one will morph into a shape that reflects the thoughts/desires of whichever goddess partner is currently active. Since you started the stage with Belldandy, you get the Table of Desire. Turn east and head for the purple swap pod. You'll pass two mounted mirrors -- we'll deal with these later.
Summon Urd at the purple swap pod. Keep going east until you see a clearing with a stone gate and a Hammer Muscle. Extract the hito condition from the Hammer Muscle. Keep heading east and you'll see another Hammer Muscle -- this one is equipped with the kaminari condition and the furu action. Extract furu from this Hammer Muscle and backtrack toward the starting point of the stage. When you get close enough to the blob of chaos, it will morph into a TV of Desire (reflecting Urd's thoughts).
Notice that the TV of Desire emits a light ray that bounces off the two mounted mirrors near the purple swap pod. You've just opened a sun gate you'll need to pass through later. Now walk up to the TV of Desire and exchange your hito condition for its kaze condition.
Stay inside the TV's activation range to watch it use mawaru and record an action for your device encyclopedia. Now strike the TV with a thunderbolt and exchange your furu action for its mawaru action while it's stunned.
Stay inside the TV's activation radius to unlock another action for your encyclopedia. Now use thunder magic on the TV again and swap your mawaru action for its furu action. Head for the knight bot to the west.
This robot is equipped with hito and susumu, so just step into its activation range and make it walk up to the drawbridge. Now walk up to the knight bot and stun it with a thunderbolt. Exchange your furu action for its susumu action.
Stay inside the knight bot's activation range to make it use furu and lower the drawbridge for you. Now stun the knight bot with thunder magic and exchange your kaze condition for its hito condition. Look for a stone gate near a patch of running water and exchange your hito condition for its kaminari condition. Also exchange your susumu action for the gate's miseru action. Swap kaminari and miseru onto the knight bot (in exchange for its kaze and furu).
Now have Urd drop a thunderbolt inside the knight bot's activation radius (but not on the robot itself) to activate miseru and unlock the knight bot's final encyclopedia entry. Exchange your furu action for the knight bot's miseru action and head back into the activation range of the TV of Desire.
Strike the TV with thunder magic and exchange your miseru action for its mawaru action while the device is stunned. Stay inside the TV's activation range to unlock another entry for your encyclopedia. Backtrack to the stone gate near the running water and exchange your mawaru action for its susumu action. Head back to the TV of Desire and stun it with a thunderbolt. Exchange your susumu action for its miseru action.
Stand inside the TV's activation range to unlock another entry for your encyclopedia. Now stun the device with thunder magic and exchange miseru for susumu. Now head for the Hammer Muscle in the southeast corner of the map and give it the susumu action.
Keep striking the Hammer Muscle with thunder magic until it walks up to the moon wall mechanism. Turn around and head for the nearby clearing with the Hammer Muscle and the stone gate. Dump your kaze condition on the Hammer Muscle there and extract the tsuku action from the stone gate. Go back to the Hammer Muscle near the moon wall mechanism and give it tsuku.
Activate this Hammer Muscle with thunder magic to make it use tsuku and knock down the moon wall. Exchange your susumu action for its tsuku action and backtrack to the TV of Desire. Hit the TV with a thunderbolt and exchange your tsuku action for its miseru action.
Stay inside the TV's activation range to make it use tsuku (thus unlocking another encyclopedia entry). Now head past the knight bot to the west and look for an antenna mechanism.
Drop a delayed thunderbolt on the antenna and a spark will cause the nearby weathervane mechanism to rotate. Let the patch of running water carry you to the other side of the stone gate. You'll come to a crossroads: the path to the west leads to a water pump mechanism; the path to the north leads to an inner sanctum containing the photo mechanism from Past-3 (you can't access this area yet); and the path to the east leads to another stone gate. Take the path east and exchange your miseru action for the stone gate's hiraku action.
Now head for the water pump mechanism and drop another delayed thunderbolt on the antenna mechanism once you're in range (thus shifting the current of the running water once again). Let the patch of running water carry you back toward the knight bot. Go back to the TV of Desire and stun it with a thunderbolt. Exchange your hiraku action for its tsuku action.
Stay inside the TV's activation range to unlock yet another entry for your encyclopedia. Now stun it with more thunder magic and get your hiraku action back. Backtrack to the stone gate near the running water and give it your hiraku action (receiving its mawaru action in return). Now head toward the starting point of the stage and use the blue swap pod there to summon Belldandy. Head for the mounted mirror near the purple swap pod to the east.
Use Belldandy's wind magic on the mounted mirror. This will rotate the mirror to an angle that will allow us to open a second sun gate in a short while. Backtrack to the stone gate near the running water.
Since this gate is now equipped with hito and hiraku, it will open for you as soon as you step into its activation range. Pass through and head for the water pump mechanism.
Use wind magic on the water pump mechanism to drain the flooded inner sanctum. Backtrack to the starting point of the stage and use the purple swap pod to the east.
Head back toward the TV of Desire and the light ray emanating from the TV will hit the (recently rotated) mounted mirror near the purple swap pod, opening a second sun gate. Now go through the stone gate near the running water and extract both hito and hiraku from it once you're through the gate. Head into the inner sanctum.
Step on the pedestal to the east and the photo mechanism will take a snapshot of Urd and open the sealed magic gate. Beyond the magic gate is a staircase that leads to the end of the stage, but a cutscene will inform you that we must first bridge a gap in the path. Head back outside the inner sanctum and look for the stone gate guarding the path heading east. Give this gate both your hito condition and your hiraku action. Turn around and let the running water carry you back to the knight bot standing near the drawbridge. Exchange your miseru action for the knight bot's furu action.
Now hit the antenna mechanism nearby with another delayed thunderbolt and change the direction of the water current one more time. Let the running water carry you to the other side and head for the stone gate to the east of the stairs leading into the inner sanctum.
Since this gate has been outfitted with hito and hiraku, simply step into its activation range and go through the gate when it opens. You'll see a Hammer Muscle equipped with the kaminari condition and the susumu action.
Keep dropping thunderbolts on the Hammer Muscle to make the golem walk up to the sun wall mechanism in front of it. Now exchange your furu action for the Hammer Muscle's susumu action. Head back toward the inner sanctum and extract both hito and hiraku from the stone gate once you've passed through it. Give both hito and hiraku to the stone gate near the patch of running water. You should now be equipped with only the mawaru action.
Step into the stone gate's activation range to open it. Go through and exchange your mawaru action for the miseru action equipped on the knight bot. Head for the Hammer Muscle in the southeast corner of the map and go through the lowered moon wall. Use the stairs to your left to descend into a pit containing a R2-san robot and a rotating pillar mechanism.
Step into the R2-san's activation range and it will charge toward you in an attempt to swing its hammer at you. This will take the robot out of the rotating pillar's activation range and allow the pillar to return to a compact position, giving you a platform across a gap in the floor above. Stun the R2-san with thunder magic and exchange your miseru action for its furu action.
Stay inside the R2-san's activation radius to unlock an entry for your encyclopedia. Now stun the robot with thunder magic and extract both hito and miseru from it. Give both hito and miseru to the rotating pillar nearby.
Step into the rotating pillar's activation radius to unlock another action for your device encyclopedia. Extract the miseru action from the rotating pillar and go back up the stairs. Exchange your mono condition for the kaminari condition equipped on the Hammer Muscle and head through the gap that's been newly bridged by the rotating pillar. Follow the path through a sun gate and keep going north until you come to an area with a blob of chaos and a rotating bridge platform. Head for the blob of chaos and it will morph into a TV of Desire. Exchange your kaminari condition for the TV's mizu condition.
Now drop a thunderbolt somewhere inside the TV's activation radius (but not on the TV itself) to make the device use its uku action and unlock an encyclopedia entry. Now exchange your mizu condition for the TV's kaminari condition and swap your miseru action for its uku action. Step onto the rotating bridge platform and swap your kaminari condition for the kaze condition equipped on the bridge motor mechanism.
Zap the bridge motor with three thunderbolts in order to rotate the platform three times. Now exchange your uku action for the bridge motor's mawaru action.
Zap the bridge motor with another bolt to unlock an entry for your encyclopedia. Now get off the platform and head for the TV of Desire. Exchange your mawaru action for the TV's miseru action and head back onto the rotating bridge platform. Give the bridge motor your miseru action.
Hit the bridge motor with thunder magic to unlock yet another entry for your device encyclopedia. Now backtrack all the way to the Hammer Muscle near the lowered moon wall mechanism at the southeast corner of the stage. Go down to the pit containing the R2-san robot and the rotating pillar device. Dump your kaze condition on the R2-san and exchange your uku action for the rotating pillar's mawaru action.
Step into the rotating pillar's activation range to unlock one last entry for this device in your encyclopedia. Now extract both hito and uku from the rotating pillar and head back toward the TV of Desire near the rotating bridge platform. Exchange your uku action for the TV's mawaru action and then swap your hito condition for its mizu condition. Backtrack to the Hammer Muscle at the lowered moon wall and exchange your mizu condition for its mono condition. Go downstairs into the pit and dump the mono condition on the rotating pillar. Pick up your mizu condition from the Hammer Muscle upstairs and head for the nearby clearing that contains a stone gate and a Hammer Muscle. Dump your mawaru action on the Hammer Muscle there. Backtrack toward the starting point of the stage and position yourself near the TV of Desire.
Zap the TV with a thunderbolt and exchange your mizu condition for its hito condition. Go through the stone gate near the patch of running water and dump hito on the stone gate east of the stairs leading into the inner sanctum. You should now have zero conditions or actions equipped. Make your way back down into the pit with the R2-san robot and the rotating pillar device. This time, head up the staircase on the west side of the pit and cross the raised sun wall mechanism. Turn around and face the Hammer Muscle below -- this golem should be equipped with the kaminari condition and the furu action we swapped onto it earlier.
Strike the golem with a thunderbolt to make it knock down the sun wall and raise the moon wall to the east of the ledge you're standing on. Cross the raised moon wall and use the transporter pad.
After you re-materialize, head up the stairs in front of you and use the blue swap pod. Now go back down the stairs and follow the path leading to a water pump mechanism.
Use Belldandy's wind magic on the water pump mechanism. Now backtrack and let the two-way transporter pad beam you out of this area. You'll materialize on a ledge near the pit containing the R2-san and the rotating pillar. Take the stairs down to the pit and look to the south for a staircase leading down to a red swap pod.
Use the red swap pod to summon Skuld. Now keep heading north across the formerly flooded floors and you'll eventually emerge in the drained pit under the rotating bridge platform. Use the staircase to the northwest to ascend to ground level. The blob of chaos nearby will conform to Skuld's thoughts and become a Toy of Desire (it looks like a UFO/hover car).
The Toy of Desire is equipped with hito and uku, which means it will float away from you whenever you enter its activation range. Try to maneuver it onto the rotating bridge platform.
From there, chase the Toy of Desire off the other terminus of the bridge platform and through the open sun gate. Now chase the Toy down the path to the west until it hits a dead end.
Make sure the Toy of Desire is positioned at the northwest corner of the path -- we'll turn it into a Table of Desire later and use it to bridge the gap in the path above. Now let's record some encyclopedia entries. Head back onto the rotating bridge platform and extract the miseru action from the bridge motor. Backtrack to the red swap pod below and ascend the stairs in the southwest corner of that area. Approach the blob of chaos near the starting point of the stage and it will morph into another Toy of Desire.
Have Skuld launch a water ball at the Toy to make it use its tsuku action. Now exchange your miseru action for its tsuku action.
Use water magic on the Toy of Desire again to witness its miseru action. Head for the knight bot to the west and extract its mawaru action. Give mawaru to the Toy of Desire.
Launch a water ball at the Toy and watch it use mawaru. Now go through the stone gate near the patch of running water (this gate should still be equipped with hito and hiraku) and extract the susumu action from the stone gate to the east of the stairs leading into the inner sanctum. Backtrack toward the starting point of the stage and give susumu to the Toy of Desire.
Hit the Toy with a water ball and watch it use its susumu action. Go back to the pit with the R2-san robot and the rotating pillar device. Extract the furu action from the R2-san and give this action to the Toy of Desire near the starting point of the stage.
Use water magic on the Toy to activate its furu action. Extract the hiraku action from the stone gate near the patch of running water and swap this action onto the Toy of Desire as well.
Throw a water ball at the Toy to record one final action into your device encyclopedia. Summon Belldandy with the blue swap pod near the starting point of the stage and head toward the knight bot near the lowered drawbridge. Let the running water carry you to the other side of the stone gate and head into the inner sanctum. Exit the chamber through the (open) magic gate to the east and ascend the spiral staircase.
There should now be a Table of Desire bridging the gap in the path. Cross the Table and keep ascending the spiral staircase. You'll clear the stage once you reach the top.
You can't actually see Hildr's stolen memory -- it is (according to Belldandy) a crystal of pure curiosity.
Instead of taking a specific physical form, Hildr's memory takes the shape of each person's individual desires. Skuld sees ice cream, Urd sees a state-of-the-art HDD recorder, and Keiichi sees...
The gang returns the stolen memory to Hildr, thus restoring the arch-demon back to normal. Hildr calls out the Spirit of the Silver Watch, and we've finally gathered all the players in this ongoing drama.
Keiichi: In any case, Hildr, please return the island to normal!
Hildr: No.
Keiichi: Huh?!
Hildr: It's too much trouble, so... no.
The Spirit of the Silver Watch explains that she was about to cease functioning, so she called in Hildr and Marller to fix her.
Hildr: So yeah, we were just executing the terms of the contract we made with her. Now how did it turn out this badly?
Keiichi: That's really irresponsible!
The Spirit formally terminates her contract with Hildr and agrees to accept the penalties for doing so.
Now that the contract has been terminated, the island has been returned to the condition it was in before the whole thing started -- all we see is a broken landscape and an overgrown clock tower that symbolizes the Spirit's despair. The Spirit tells the gang that the island is falling apart under the cumulative stress of her rampaging magic power combined with the power of Keiichi's memories. She wants everyone to leave the island and save themselves, but our heroes aren't about to oblige.
Keiichi: Um... sorry, but...
Belldandy: We won't run away from this place.
Keiichi: There's still something left for us to do. We've got to help the Spirit of the Silver Watch.
Hildr wasn't about to get involved in this sentimental nonsense, so she grabs Marller and leaves. Keiichi and the three goddess stay behind to embark on the gargantuan task of healing the Spirit of the Silver Watch -- and her island.
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