
Walkthrough: Aa Megami-sama (Present-3)

Belldandy can feel it.

Belldandy: I think that my "most precious memory" is probably being sealed somewhere very close by...

We're off to get that memory so that we can restore Belldandy and have her help put a stop to the raging eddies of space-time currently ravaging the island.

Ima wo Omou AREA - Stage III:

This fairly large stage is split into three parts separated by retry gates. As soon as the stage begins, turn to your right and you should see an item under an arch.

Collect the item. Now go find the iron-bound gate. You'll notice that it has the kaze condition and the hiraku action.

Use Belldandy's magic on this gate to open it. Once you're through the gate, head for the blue swap pod in the corner. Pass through it and use the purple swap pod in another corner to summon Urd. Run up beside the water pump mechanism and you should be within extraction range of the sorc bot on the other side of the bushes.

Extract the mizu condition from the sorc bot. Now let the patch of running water carry you back toward the iron-bound gate. Get as close to the weathervane mechanism as possible and you should get a targeting icon.

Use a delayed thunderbolt on the device to change the direction of the running water. Now use the blue swap pod in the corner and let the running water carry you back toward the water pump.

Use wind magic on the water pump mechanism to lower the water level in the pool beside you. Now backtrack all the way to the iron-bound gate near the starting point of the stage. Use wind magic to open the gate and head for a ledge to the right. You'll be able to round a corner and come upon two swap pods -- one red and one blue.

Use the red swap pod to tag in Skuld. Head back to the iron-bound gate. Swap your mizu condition for its kaze condition.

Open the gate with a water ball from Skuld. Head toward a pit with seedlings growing in it. You should see a knight bot standing on the other side.

Lob a water ball at the pit to make a canopy platform. Head back towards the patch of running water and let it carry you to the other side. Use the purple swap pod. Use the stairs near the water pump device to cross the pool and get to the other side. You should now be standing right next to the weathervane device.

Strike the weathervane with another bolt to change the direction of the running water. Backtrack and let the running water carry you to the other side. Head for the knight bot.

Strike the knight bot with a bolt and extract the hito condition and the furu action from it while it's stunned. Get as close to the sorc bot on the other side as possible and exchange your furu action for its tsuku action. Now give the sorc bot hito and it should activate (since you're standing in its activation radius).

The sorc bot will fling a bomb that knocks down the cracked wall nearby. Walk through the opening where the cracked wall used to be and get close to the sorc bot.

Strike the sorc bot with thunder magic and extract its hito condition. Give both hito and tsuku to the iron-bound gate nearby.

Step into the gate's activation radius and the gate will lift itself off the ground, allowing you to run all the way to a retry gate that leads to the second part of this stage.

You'll see a beam of light right in front of you. Notice that a cracked wall is blocking it from reaching a mounted mirror. We need to knock down this wall -- but first, let's do some work that must be done before we can get an opportunity at wall demolition. Head toward the origin of the light beam and you should see a sorc bot nearby (it's equipped with the hito condition and the mawaru action). Get close to this robot.

Strike the sorc bot with thunder magic and extract mawaru from it. Keep heading north past a water pump device and up some stairs and you'll encounter an iron-bound gate equipped with hito and hiraku.

Step into its activation radius and go through this gate. Use the red swap pod. Now go back through the gate and head north. You should see a patch of running water to your right. Ride the running water to the other side and you'll see a pit with plants to your left.

Lob a water ball into the pit to make a canopy platform. Now head for the sorc bot nearby and look for some stairs leading down to a second pit with plants.

Lob a water ball at this pit to make a second canopy platform. Now walk past the sorc bot and use the purple swap pod nearby. Head back to the sorc bot.

Stun the sorc bot with thunder magic and exchange your mawaru action for its furu action. Stay within the robot's activation radius.

The sorc bot will use wind magic and activate the water pump mechanism in front of it. Look for the weathervane device and get as close to it as you can.

Hit the weathervane device with a delayed bolt to change the direction of the running water. Run past the first canopy platform you made and head for the blue swap pod. Use it to tag in Belldandy. Head down the second canopy platform you made (near the sorc bot and down some stairs) and you should be standing near a mounted mirror.

Use wind magic on this mirror to rotate it 90 degrees. Go back up the stairs and head across the running water. Look for an iron-bound gate to your right-hand side and extract the mono condition from it. Go down the stairs near the other iron-bound gate (the one equipped with hito and hiraku) and you should see a second water pump mechanism.

Use wind magic on this device to drain the water and allow you access to the two rotating pillars and the knight bot. Get as close to the knight bot as you can manage without stepping into its activation radius.

Use two wind gusts from Belldandy to rotate the knight bot 180 degrees (this will save you some headache when you try to manipulate the rotating pillars a little later). Go back up the stairs and head for the nearby sorc bot.

Hit the (currently inert) sorc bot with wind magic to turn it so that it faces the rotating pillars. Use the purple swap pod on top of some stairs next to the robot to tag in Urd. Head back to the knight bot near the rotating pillars.

Get near the knight bot and strike it with a thunderbolt to stun it. Exchange your furu action for its susumu action. Give your mono condition to the rotating pillar to the left of the knight bot and make your way back to the sorc bot near the purple swap pod at the starting point of this part of the stage. Give the sorc bot your susumu action and immediately run back to the iron-bound gate leading to the red swap pod. Since this gate is still equipped with hito and hiraku, it should open easily for you. Walk right through the red swap pod and the purple swap pod and head toward the sorc bot you used to activate a water pump device earlier.

Stun this sorc bot with thunder magic and extract the mawaru action from it. Make your way back to the rotating pillars.

Give mawaru to the rotating pillar to the left of the knight bot. The pillar will rotate and create a makeshift bridge across this drained pool. Use the stairs to go back to the sorc bot you gave the susumu action to a little while ago.

Step into this sorc bot's activation radius and it should start walking across the makeshift bridge you just built. Keep it walking until it can advance no further. The sorc bot should now be standing right next to a cracked wall. Now use the purple swap pod at the starting point of this area and go back down to the drained pool containing the knight bot and the rotating pillars.

Stun the knight bot with a thunderbolt and extract furu. Make your way back across the makeshift bridge and get close to the sorc bot near that cracked wall we're still trying to destroy.

Hit this sorc bot with thunder magic and swap your furu action for its susumu action. Now run all the way to the blue swap pod, tag in Belldandy, and return to this sorc bot.

Shoot a wind gust at the sorc bot from a spot outside its activation radius to rotate it.

Now enter the sorc bot's activation radius and it will lob a bomb that knocks down the cracked wall. The light beam should now be shining right at the iron-bound gate that you got the mono condition from. Either use the makeshift bridge or the patch of running water to get to the other side of the drained pool and extract both hito and hiraku from the iron-bound gate near the red swap pod. Give both hito and hiraku to the other iron-bound gate (the one blocking the light beam at the moment).

Activate the gate to open it. The ray of light will strike the receptacle device and open the large gate leading out of this area. Go through the open iron-bound gate and collect the item on a ledge beside it. Now go through the large gate engraved with the sun emblem and head for a second retry gate. Go down the stairs to the left -- you'll pass a red swap pod and tag in Skuld. Head onto a rotating bridge platform and walk up next to the inert sorc bot there.

Use a delayed water ball on the pit with plants to make a canopy platform. Turn around and lob a water ball at the bridge motor (which has the mizu condition and the mawaru action) to rotate the platform you're standing on. Walk across the canopy platform and up either set of stairs to use a purple swap pod. Head back down to the rotating bridge platform. Extract mawaru from the inert sorc bot and head onto a second rotating bridge platform (with a second inert sorc bot). Deposit mawaru with the bridge motor on the second platform (it should now have the kaminari condition and the mawaru action). Pass the second inert sorc bot and head for an active sorc bot equipped with hito and furu.

Stun this sorc bot with a thunderbolt and extract both hito and furu from it. Head back onto the second bridge platform and give hito to the inert sorc bot.

Strike the bridge motor mechanism with thunder magic to rotate the platform. Exchange your furu action for the motor's mawaru action and give mawaru to the inert sorc bot.

Step inside the sorc bot's activation radius and it will use wind magic to activate the water pump device in front of it. Now stun the sorc bot with another bolt and extract mawaru. Exchange mawaru for the bridge motor's furu. Hit the bridge motor with two bolts to rotate the platform 180 degrees. Now give your furu action to the sorc bot.

Step inside the sorc bot's activation radius and it will lob a bomb that knocks down the cracked wall in front of it. Stun the robot with another bolt and extract both hito and furu.

Strike the bridge motor mechanism with thunder magic to rotate this platform one more time. Turn toward the first rotating bridge platform you encountered in this area and give the inert sorc bot there your hito condition and your furu action. Turn back toward the bridge motor equipped with kaminari and mawaru and extract them both. Run onto the rotating bridge platform with the now-active sorc bot on it. Swap your kaminari condition for the bridge motor's mizu condition. Strike this bridge motor mechanism with a thunderbolt to rotate the platform.

Step into the sorc bot's activation radius to make it lob a bomb that knocks down a second section of cracked wall. Now head all the way across both bridge platforms and use the stairs to go down to the (previously flooded) floor beneath the bridge platforms. Look for a heart just below the canopy platform you made earlier.

Grab the heart. Now turn around and use the stairs to the northeast (check your mini-map) of the pit. These stairs should lead you to a steep staircase that, in turn, leads to the "summit" of the stage. You'll see a heavily fortified gate with a knight bot on either side. The first knight bot you see has the kaminari condition already, so just give it your mawaru action.

Now stand to the side of the knight bot (i.e. don't face the robot -- it won't do what it's supposed to if you're looking straight at it when you use thunder magic) and launch a delayed thunderbolt through the bushes. The knight bot will activate the gear device it's standing on and unlock half of the fortified gate. Now head all the way down the stairs and back onto the first rotating bridge platform. Shoot the bridge motor with a thunderbolt to rotate the platform. Extract both kaminari and mawaru from the bridge motor when it's done rotating. Head past the sorc bot and go up the staircase to the left, effectively backtracking toward the starting point of this part of the stage.

Tag in Skuld at the red swap pod. Run back down the stairs, cross the bridge platforms, and go all the way down to the previously flooded floor beneath the bridge platforms. Use the northeast stairs again and take the steep staircase back up to the fortified gate. Make sure you have kaminari and mawaru equipped.

Lob a water ball at the pit with plants near the second knight bot (the one equipped with nothing at the moment) to create a canopy platform you'll need very soon. Get in extraction range of the knight bot and give it your kaminari condition and your mawaru action. Cross the canopy platform, descend the stairs, and use the purple swap pod. Go back up to the top floor and stand to the side of the knight bot you haven't activated yet (once again, your magic won't work properly if you're directly facing the knight bot).

Use a delayed thunderbolt on the knight bot to unlock the other half of the fortified gate. Go through the fortified gate to complete this stage.

Just like in the Past Zone, the treasured memory you just found (in the shape of a telephone... hmm, I wonder what this memory could be...) is still being sealed by powerful magic.

We'll have to find a proper place to perform the ritual of seal removal -- on to Present-4!

Since all six items in the Present Zone have been collected, we get Belldandy's bonus scene: Chihiro shows up to present you with a "treasure", which turns out to be the piggy...err, fishy... bank containing the Motor Club's savings. Urd and Sora fight over the "treasure" until Keiichi reveals that there's all of 320 yen in it. Everyone loses interest rather quickly following that revelation.

Urd: I saw it, and that means it's mine!

Now that we've got all three hearts in the Present Zone, Belldandy's swimsuit is unlocked as well.