
Walkthrough: Aa Megami-sama (Future-2)

The LED light on Keiichi's keychain (fancy/tacky keychain he's got there) is malfunctioning, so Skuld fixes it for him. As hard as it is to believe, that's all she did.

Urd: Skuld didn't add some weird function to a piece of machinery!? Does she have a fever or something?

Seems like the stolen memories are beginning to affect Skuld's "creativity"...

Mirai wo Omou AREA - Stage II:

This stage isn't very large, but it will require you to run around back and forth quite a bit (especially if you're collecting entries for the device encyclopedia). There are also many transporter pads here you'll need to use, and the "do not carry conditions or actions if you want it to work" nature of these devices could trap you and force a do-over if you activated one of the color-coded gate mechanisms prematurely.

Run up to the first color-coded gate mechanism and lob a water ball at it. Against devices like this one, use elemental magic of any type other than the type currently activated (i.e. the control rod currently pushed in as opposed to fully visible) to open gates of a different color (water opens blue gates, wind opens green gates, thunder opens red gates). Your water ball will open a blue gate that leads to a blue swap pod. Go tag in Belldandy and head back to the colored gate mechanism.

Use wind magic on the gate mechanism to open a green gate leading to a room with a R2-san robot in it. Use the conveyor belt to the left of the robot and head for a purple swap pod. Cross the swap pod (summoning Urd in the process) and you'll find yourself in an area with a colored gate mechanism and a Cublock (the red cube-like device: the name is an amalgam of the words "cube" and "block").

Have Urd drop a bolt on the colored gate mechanism and go through the red gate that opens. Head for a Doorvator to the north. It has the kaminari condition and the hiraku action.

Drop a thunderbolt on the Doorvator to open it. Head through and use the transporter pad. You'll enter an area with an item and a red swap pod.

Grab the item and use the red swap pod to summon Skuld. Then head back onto the transporter pad. Extract the hiraku action from the Doorvator and then let the conveyor belt nearby carry you back to the room with the colored gate mechanism and the Cublock.

Throw a water ball at the colored gate mechanism to lower the two blue gates leading out of this room. Go through the gate to the south and follow the path until you come to another Doorvator. This one is equipped with the mizu condition and the mawaru action.

Lob a water ball at the Doorvator to activate its mawaru action and unlock an entry for your encyclopedia. Extract the mizu condition from the Doorvator and exchange your hiraku action for its mawaru action. Run back to the room with the colored gate mechanism and the Cublock; give the Cublock mizu and mawaru.

Lob a water ball at the Cublock to unlock an entry for your encyclopedia. Extract the mawaru action from it and tag in Urd at the purple swap pod. Go through the lowered blue gate to the east and head for the R2-san robot.

Stun the R2-san with a thunderbolt and exchange your mawaru action for its furu action. Stay inside its activation radius to unlock an entry for your encyclopedia. Now stun the R2-san with another bolt and extract the hito condition from it. Turn around and give both hito and furu to the Cublock. Step into the Cublock's activation radius to unlock another entry for your encyclopedia.

Strike the Cublock with a thunderbolt to acquire another encyclopedia entry. Extract both the hito condition and the furu action from the Cublock and head for the Doorvator to the south. Give the Doorvator your hito condition.

Step into the Doorvator's activation radius and go through the gate when it uses hiraku. You're now inside a room with a colored gate mechanism and a UFO-like device.

Walk up to the UFO and stun it with thunder magic. Exchange your furu action for the UFO's new uku (うく/"hover") action. Stay inside the UFO's activation range and watch it perform furu to unlock an encyclopedia entry. Now stun it with another bolt and extract the hito condition from it. Exchange your uku action for the nearby Doorvator's hiraku action.

Step into the Doorvator's activation radius to unlock an encyclopedia entry. Exchange your hiraku action for its uku action and go through the Doorvator by activating hiraku. Head back to the room with the Cublock. Give the Cublock your hito condition and your uku action.

Step into the Cublock's activation radius to unlock another entry for your encyclopedia. Extract hito and uku from the Cublock and head for the room with the R2-san robot in it. Exchange your uku action for the R2-san's mawaru action and then give it your hito condition.

Stay inside the R2-san's activation radius and watch it use uku to unlock an encyclopedia entry. Strike the R2-san with thunder magic and extract hito from it while it's stunned. Head back to the room with the UFO. Exchange your mawaru action for the UFO's furu action and give it your hito condition.

Stand inside the UFO's activation range and watch it use mawaru (collecting yet another encyclopedia entry in the process). Turn around and exchange your furu action for the Doorvator's hiraku action. Stun the UFO with thunder magic and exchange your hiraku action for its mawaru.

Stay inside the UFO's activation radius and it will use hiraku and "spit out" a Cublock. Stun the UFO with thunder magic and extract both the hito condition and the hiraku action from it (giving it the mawaru action in exchange). Give both hito and hiraku to the Cublock nearby.

Step into the Cublock's activation range to unlock another entry for your encyclopedia. Extract hiraku from the Cublock and give the action back to the Doorvator (you'll acquire furu in exchange). Use the red swap pod nearby to summon Skuld.

Have Skuld lob a water ball at the UFO to unlock another encyclopedia entry. Now use the blue swap pod at the southeastern end of the room to summon Belldandy.

Have Belldandy use wind magic on the UFO to unlock another encyclopedia entry. Give your furu action to the Cublock (you should now have no conditions or actions equipped) and use the (one-way) transporter pad beyond the red swap pod (Skuld will tag in again). Collect the item nearby and let the conveyor belt carry you into the next room. Cross the purple swap pod (Urd will tag in) to return to the room with the colored gate mechanism and the first Cublock you encountered in this stage. Extract the mizu condition you left with this Cublock. Go through the lowered blue gate to the south and return to the room with the UFO.

Strike the colored gate mechanism with a thunderbolt to lower all red gates in the stage. Pass through the red gate to the west and head south. You'll get a cutscene that introduces Doorvator+, a variant of the Doorvator device that projects a rectangular activation radius far away from the device itself.

Head for the Doorvator+'s activation radius and you'll activate a Cublock equipped with hito and susumu. Let the Cublock roll as close to you as it can and extract the susumu action from it. Turn around and exchange your mizu condition for the Doorvator+'s hito condition. Backtrack to the room with the UFO and give the UFO hito and susumu (you'll receive its mawaru action in return).

Stand in the UFO's activation radius to unlock yet another entry for your encyclopedia. Tag in Skuld at the red swap pod in the northeast corner of the room. Backtrack toward the Doorvator+ and dump your mawaru action on the Cublock there. Now get as close to the Doorvator+ as possible and turn around to face its activation radius.

Launch a delayed water ball into the Doorvator+'s activation range and quickly run through the gate before it closes. Use the one-way transporter pad on the other side.

Collect the heart nearby and head north along the path. Turn left through a lowered red gate and you'll see a robotic device (which looks a lot like Urd) with a crossbow.

Since the green-colored gates are raised at the moment, this robo-gun device will not be able to stop you from running to the end of the path and clearing this stage.

Skuld has found her favorite wrench (the one Keiichi bought her) and regained her mad scientist skills.

She works on Keiichi's keychain LED light a little bit and...

Skuld: I just converted the light into a death ray. Be careful with it, okay?

Skuld is full of energy and goes to work on a "new weapon for conquering the island." She chooses Keiichi and Urd as her test subjects and the scene ends with them fleeing from a new and improved model of the Skuld Bomb...